The Blog-Tour for The Good Mother by A.L. Bird

Today is my turn on the Blog-Tour for The Good Mother by AL Bird. Not only do you get to find out about her psychological thriller, A.L. Bird has also been generous enough to reveal her inspiration for her book. A very interesting read indeed. To top this exciting post off is my review.

About the author

AL Bird lives in North London, where she divides her time between writing and working as a lawyer. The Good Mother is her major psychological thriller for Carina UK, embarking into the world of ‘grip-lit’. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck, University of London, and is also an alumna of the Faber Academy ‘Writing a Novel’ course, which she studied under Richard Skinner. She’s also a member of the Crime Writers’Association. For updates on her writing, you can follow her on Twitter, @ALBirdwriter, on Facebook at or by visiting her website, at

Inspirations behind The Good Mother

When I was a child I was terrified of being kidnapped. I’d think through exactly what I’d do if someone tried it – the kicking, the screaming, the ‘you’re not my mummy.’ Or how I’d try to jump out if someone drove off with me in the back of the car.

If someone had told me that grown-ups can be kidnapped too, I’d have been horrified.

In The Good Mother, Suze awakes to find she has been kidnapped. She doesn’t know where her daughter is. But then she realises that she is being kept in the room next door. Just separated by a wall. And so we begin.

But it wasn’t only my early, deep-rooted fear that inspired The Good Mother. I didn’t want to write just a kidnap book, or recreate Room by Emma Donoghue. I had another agenda. When we visited Berlin a couple of years ago, I was struck by the stories of families so suddenly and unreasonably kept from one another by the Berlin Wall. The powerlessness in the face of a self-declared authority over your freedom and liberty. The frustration at being so close to your loved ones but so cruelly kept apart. The tantalising feeling that if you could just reason a little harder, shout a little louder, you’d be reunited. I wanted to transplant that wall into an analogous domestic setting, to understand how an individual could be cut adrift from their family. Since I started writing the book I had my own child – I understand for myself now that the horror of something like that keeping us apart would be too disturbing to bear.

That entrance into motherhood also provided new inspirations for the book along the way.  There were new things I wanted to explore. The claustrophobia of living with a newborn baby and feeling of being trapped (while attempting feeding/ sleeping/ changing/ learning to co-exist), separated from your usual world, helped me to find the deprivation of the senses that Suze experiences in her captivity.   But it also showed me the fierceness of love and anxiety you have about your own baby. So small, so precious, so demanding. Suze knows all about that. And she also knows about the exacting standards we try to set ourselves as mothers. Which ones matter, which ones don’t. The lengths we would take to uphold them.

Of course, apart from these thematics, I set out to keep readers guessing. I like to be hooked and I like a twist – my current Kindle highlights include Disclaimer, Reconstructing Amelia, and The Husband’s Secret (and of course, the various girls – Gone, On a Train…). When I hear that people have been up all night reading The Good Mother, and that they can’t stop thinking about it, I’m delighted, because that’s exactly what I look for in a book.

Because a good psychological thriller that really gets under the skin isn’t just about twists. It’s about exploration. A route into a different set of minds. Often warped, flawed, or damaged minds. But always interesting. In The Good Mother, the relationship that Suze has with her daughter through that wall, with The Captor outside, and with herself, allowed me to delve into the darkest, most destructive parts of the human psyche. Yet it is also an exploration of some of the most awe-inspiring parts – the power of the bond between mother and child, the force of the human spirit to preserve itself, and what we will do for the people we love. As a writer, I’m always teetering on the edge of the wall between the two. I like to see how close my characters can come to falling down.

A.L. Bird, 3 April 2016


I wasn’t expecting the wicked twist at the end. Seems a strange way to start a review, but it confirmed the uneasiness I felt about Susan the whole way through the book.

I have to hand it to Bird, she hasn’t made it easy to like any particular character. Their actions and the overall scenarios make it difficult to feel empathy for any of them.

The kidnapper is nothing short of creepy with a strong fixation on Susan, but hey if he can’t have her there is always the daughter, right?  Why doesn’t he just take what he wants and get it over with?

Susan is both relieved and terrified when she realises that her teenage daughter has also been kidnapped. Their connection becomes a lifeline for the two of them. It drives Susan to try the most desperate things to get the two of them out of there. I suppose she does what any mother would do to save her child.

I’m going to come back to something I mentioned at the beginning. The fact I couldn’t connect to the mother. Something about her felt unnatural, something about the interactions with Cara didn’t quite feel right. I think Bird lets the doubts enter into the plot like an invisible layer. She wants you to question your instincts, because she is the one messing with them in the first place.

This is a dark psychological thriller with quite a few unexpected twists and turns. Some more unexpected than others. Everything you assume will probably be proven wrong and any outcome you expect, well you might as well just toss it in the bin.

Buy The Good Mother at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

Follow @ALBirdwriter and @HQDigitalUK

Read Don’t Say a Word by A.L. Bird

The Summer We Danced by Fiona Harper

SummerPippa’s story is about perseverance in the face of diversity. Made to look a complete fool in front of the whole nation by her twerp of a rockstar husband, she has become lost in her embarrassment and grief.

The loss of her husband, reputation, home and her figure, all at the same time.That’s enough to make anyone a wee bit depressed.

In an attempt to get back into the swing of life Pippa heads back to her old dance school. and even older dance teacher.

Pippa finds herself battling with old body issues and insecurities. All of that is exacerbated by the fact her old flame Tom has also turned up.

It’s unfortunate that many younger generations will never know the charm, magic and experience of watching a black and white movie of the Golden Age of Hollywood. The beautiful dance routines of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and you truly haven’t seen anything until you’ve watched the two of them literally glide and hover across the floor.

You can feel the same kind of magic within the pages of this book. When Pippa and Tom dance cheek to cheek, everything and everyone around them disappears just for a minute or two.

The Summer We Danced is about moving on, putting the past behind you and discovering that when one door closes another one opens nearby. It’s romantic and fun with a bit of nostalgia thrown in for free.

Buy The Summer We Danced at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

House of Shadows by Nicola Cornick

house of shadowsWhen Holly gets a desperate phone call her from her niece it is the beginning of a long search for her missing brother Ben and the unravelling of a love story that stretches over many centuries.

Holly doesn’t want to see the other side to Ben. He is beyond reproach and everyone else must be to blame for his disappearance. None of that changes the fact he has not only vanished without a trace, but he has also left his very young daughter to fend for herself in the middle of the night.

Holly discovers that Ben was researching the history of specific items owned by the Winter Queen. They are rumoured to be very valuable and possess magical powers. Destructive magical powers.

The story wanders in and out of three timelines, the past with the Winter Queen, the past with the close descendants and the present with Holly. The link between all of them being the dangerous heirlooms and the mysterious Ashdown House.

Inevitably it comes down to a choice between power or peace, war or sanity and money or being able to just say no. You know what they say, power corrupts, especially when you have a never ending source.

Kornick mixes historical fiction and a wee bit of the unexplained supernatural.

Buy House of Shadows at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

Today: Blog-Tour ‘Christmas Ever After’ by Sarah Morgan

Today it is my pleasure to welcome Sarah Morgan and her new book Christmas Ever After to the blog. It is only a few weeks until Christmas, and Morgan is spreading a little bit of joy, love and Xmas spirit with the third part of the Puffin Island trilogy, to get us in the mood.

Sarah Morgan writes warm contemporary romantic fiction with her trademark humour which has gained her fans across the globe. Described as ‘full of sparkle’ by Lovereading, she has been nominated three years in succession for the prestigious RITA© Award from the Romance Writers of America and won the award twice; in 2012 and 2013.

Sarah lives near London with her husband and children, and when she isn’t reading or writing she loves being outdoors, preferably on vacation so she can forget the house needs tidying.

Visit Sarah online at, on Facebook at and on Twitter @SarahMorgan_


This is the third part in the Puffin Island trilogy. First time in Forever introduces us to Emily and Ryan, Some Kind of Wonderful is about Zach and Brittany, and Christmas Ever After features Skylar and Alec.

Sarah Morgan is a literary wizard when it comes to creating romance. Reading one of her books is often like eating a deliciously frosted cupcake with sprinkles on top. She will make your heart sob, fuel your ire and then make you feel all fluffy and warm inside.

An excellent choice if you are looking for a sometimes complicated, but ultimately happy read. Not everyone wants to finish a last page and feel distraught. Some readers just want a chance to relax and feel like a unicorn has marched in with a years supply of cotton candy and marshmallows.

When you read a Morgan you need to make some room for the unicorn happy, the feeling that everything is right in the world at this moment in time, and the feeling of being content. You disappear inside the pages of a book, and for a few hours you are transported into another world.

In Christmas Ever After the two people from the Puffin Island group, who were voted most likely to never get along with each other, end up getting to know more about each other than they ever wanted to know.

Skylar and Alec come from completely different families. Skylar is used to doing whatever pleases her parents and being subjected to their disappointment when she doesn’t. In the midst of a family full of status seeking power-hungry individuals, Skylar is a creative free spirit with a mind of her own. She doesn’t quite fit. They see Christmas as business opportunity, as a great time to make business and social connections.

Alec comes from an open fun-loving family, who embrace each person as an individual and try to support their choices in life. Christmas is a time of loving and giving to them. They are warm-hearted, funny and they clearly love Alec very much.

When Skylar ends up in a spot of trouble she discovers another side to Alec, an unexpected soft and understanding side. She isn’t just completely thrown by this, Skylar also finds it oddly attractive. The two of them find themselves in a strange predicament of mutual irritation and attraction. This whirlwind of emotions comes to a head on the infamous Puffin Island.

If this your first Sarah Morgan then I also recommend her Snow Crystal series. Thank you to Harper Collins UK for my copy of Christmas Ever After.

Buy Christmas Ever After at or Goodreads for any other retailer.

You can connect with Sarah online at her website: on Facebook at or on Twitter @SarahMorgan_

Read The Christmas Sisters, Moonlight over Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love #6)Holiday in the Hamptons (From Manhattan with Love #5)New York Actually (From Manhattan with Love #4)Miracle on 5th Avenue (From Manhattan With Love #3)Sunset in Central Park (From Manhattan with Love #2)Sleepless in Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love #1)First Time in ForeverMaybe This Christmas, Sleighbells in the SnowSuddenly Last Summer or The Notting Hill Diaries, all by Sarah Morgan.

Follow @SarahMorgan_@HQStories and @HarperCollinsUK

Blog-Tour: Christmas Ever After by Sarah Morgan 22nd – 30th October

I know it’s not quite Christmas yet, but to get you all warm and tingly, let’s end breezy October with the Blog-Tour for Christmas Ever After by Sarah Morgan. It is the third part of the #PuffinIsland trilogy.

I will be talking about Christmas Ever After right here on the 26th of October and I hope you will join me for my review.

So you can follow the Blog-Tour with a little more ease, and read what my fellow bloggers have to say about the new #PuffinIsland release Christmas Ever After by Sarah Morgan, I have included the links to their blogs.

22nd of October

23rd of October

24th of October

25th of October

26th of October

27th of October

28th of October

29thof October

Friday 30th of October

Hope to see you here on the 26th!

The Gilded Life of Matilda Duplaine by Alex Brunkhorst


Sometimes I come upon certain authors and I just know they have an exceptional talent. Brunkhorst is one of those authors, she has a certain je ne sais quoi.

I was really surprised when I read the word internet about half a chapter in, I was certain the scene was set somewhere between 1920 and 1950. The golden age of movies and film stars. It has a specific feel to it. Very Gatsby meets Hollywood.

Thomas finds his destiny inexplicably linked to and determined by Lily. She becomes not only a source, but also the door into a completely new world for Thomas. The world of the rich, the famous and the powerful. The people who pull the strings in town.

It is never made quite clear in the book, whether Lily has a hidden agenda. Did she know what would happen? Was it her wish to see the golden bird freed from her gilded cage? Is Thomas merely the patsy or can Lily see something in him that is special enough to make her want to support him.

Thomas finds this new world fascinating, despite being on the boundary of it, and he craves more of it and time with his new acquaintances. This new world leads him to Matilda.

Matilda is an enigma, a young girl trapped in a time warp. She is kept hidden from the world like Rapunzel in a tower awaiting her prince. When he meets Matilda, Thomas forgets about his new connections and everything pales in comparison. No threat of failure, destruction or fall from grace can keep him away from the mysterious and innocent young woman. He is beguiled to the point of not being able to think straight.

What happens next is the inevitability of life, of reality and of fairy-tales stripped of their mysticism.

Brunkhorst is definitely an author to watch. I think it is safe to say this won’t be the last we hear from her. She is an exquisite writer with the very rare talent of surrounding a story with an aura of a specific era. So much so that it never really leaves you as a reader, this feeling of being inside a story within a story. Watching and listening to something unfold in one era whilst being convinced it is taking place in another.

Thank you to MIRA UK and Harlequin UK for my copy of The Gilded Life of Matilda Duplaine.

Buy on Amazon UK or Goodreads for any other retailer.

The Scandal Behind the Wedding by Bella Frances

download (12)

Sometimes you just have to accept it when fate decides to place the woman or man of your dreams in your path. It may not be when you expect it or the person you might have expected, but when it does happen you should maybe just go with the flow.

When it comes to Georgia she just can’t cope with any kind of unexpected flow. She likes to know where she is going and have all situations under control, so she is like a wet kipper caught on dry land when she ends up at a dodgy escort party, which is supposed to be a singles extravaganza.

Unfortunately smooth businessman Danny finds himself in the same predicament. A quick exit is needed pronto. He can’t afford to be associated with any kind of scandal, but there just happens to be this intoxicating helpless looking female, who has captured his attention.

The two of them end up making a rash decision with enormous consequences. Their mutual attraction becomes muddied by paperwork and contracts. Their physical and emotional attachment is blurred by the confines of their business relationship. They both need to wake up and smell the roses. Act upon gut instinct instead adhering to rules and regulations.

Frances has written a snazzy little romance with plenty of power and emotion.

Monster by C.J. Skuse


I wasn’t expecting it to get so dark, probably because it starts out with a general Enid Blyton boarding school feel to it. The normal toxic relationships between teenage girls living in close vicinity to each other. Away from their parents and siblings, and shut off from the real world, as they go about their daily life in a cold and strict environment.

Skuse lulls the reader into a false sense of security. The focus is on the myth of the monster, the fear of the unknown and the slightly dysfunctional boarding school atmosphere.

Then from out of nowhere the pace, the plot and the genre changes in one foul swoop. I can’t tell you what, why, when or who, because it would spoil the surprise heading your way.

I think it is possible Skuse might return to this particular set of characters, because of the way she left the beast storyline. Something to explore in the future perhaps?

Overall it was a surprising read that will appeal to readers who like some innocence with their gore, a portion of mean with their candy floss sugary sweet and a wee bit of gnarly bloody beast with their murders.

Looking forward to see where this author takes us next with her twisted imagination.

Buy Monster at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

Read The Deviants by C.J. Skuse or Sweetpea.

Letting You Go by Anouska Knight

Letting you go

It’s quite emotional at times and gives quite a few tugs at the heartstrings. At the same time it has its amusing moments, but in general it is a whirlwind of emotional turmoil.

Alex is plagued by an intense sense of guilt, because of Dill. The relationship with her father has broken down completely, and has become both uncomfortable and unbearable. She stays away from home in an attempt to let the situation die down.

She has spent so many years running away from conflict, running away from her feelings and running away from the truth. Now she is forced to confront everything and everyone all at the same time. Her guilt, her shame, the love of her life and most importantly her father.

Knight has spun a tale, which is definitely indicative of how a wisp of smoke can become a raging fire. Gossip is the verbal wildfire of society. It can make, break and ruin a person or a family. What happens in this story is a perfect example of a gossip wildfire. Misconceptions, presumptions and conspiracy theories rattle the foundations of a perfectly good marriage and threaten to tear a family apart.

Knight has also mixed an incredibly important topic of our time in the midst of the family drama and budding romance. The fear of coming out, the fear of acceptance and the intimidating reaction of young peers when it comes to being something other than the norm. It is done in a subtle and even funny way at times, despite that Knight never downplays the seriousness of the situation or how vindictive people can be.

This is a tear-jerker in places, but it is also a fun read.
I received a copy of this book courtesy of Harlequin UK and MIRA UK.

Blog Tour/Q&A/Review: The Spider in the Corner of the Room by Nikki Owen

Today it’s my turn to welcome author Nikki Owen and her excellent book The Spider in the Corner of the Room to my blog. Read on to find out more about The Spider in the Corner of the Room, including my review and a fantastic Q&A with Nikki Owen.


About The Spider in the Corner of the Room

What to believe
Who to betray
When to run…

Plastic surgeon Dr Maria Martinez has Asperger’s. Convicted of killing a priest, she is alone, in prison and has no memory of the murder.

DNA evidence places Maria at the scene of the crime, yet she claims she’s innocent. Then she starts to remember…
A strange room. Strange people. Being watched.
As Maria gets closer to the truth she is drawn into a web of international intrigue and must fight not only to clear her name but to remain alive.

As addictive as the Bourne novels, with a protagonist as original as The Bridge’s Saga Norén.


About the author

Nikki Owen is an award-winning writer and columnist. Previously Nikki was a marketing consultant and a University teaching fellow before turning to writing full time.

As part of her degree, she studied at the acclaimed University of Salamanca – the same city where her protagonist of The Spider in the Corner of the Room, Dr Maria Martinez, hails from.

The Spider in the Corner of the Room is Nikki’s debut international novel – the first in a trilogy – and will be published in several languages. In 2014 the trilogy was optioned by NBC International Televison for a one-hour returnable TV series.

Before we get down to business (i.e. talking about your book) I would like to ask a set of questions I call ‘Breaking the Ice.’

The last book you read? (Inquisitive bookworms want to know)
Normal by Graeme Cameron – creeped out that I liked the protagonist (who happens to be serial killer!) Currently reading my 13-year old daughter’s copy of Paper Towns by John Green (before we go to watch the film). Talk about diverse genres…

The last movie you watched, which you felt left a mark (in your heart, soul, wallet…you name it)?
The Fault In Ours Stars – I cry every time I watch it with my daughters. Amazing character presence and such an emotional, poignant story,

Are you more of a Game of Thrones or Outlander gal? (Combinations are possible)
I’m an Outlander gal. Would like to time-travel please

Which famous person (dead, alive, barely kicking) would you most like to meet?
I’m going to say two: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, hands down.
They are my heroes.

Something you treat yourself to, now and again? (Cream éclairs totally count)
Say it quietly…Green and Black creamy milk chocolate – like, the ENTIRE 100 gram bar in ONE sitting with a good book/film/TV box set series online. This is why I race triathlons…

I have got to say the aspect of the story I found most fascinating was the Asperger Syndrome element of your main character. Fictional books, especially crime and psychological thrillers tend to shy away from uncomfortable, awkward main characters or main characters deemed ‘different’ by society. So, this is not only a breath of fresh air it is also a big step away from the norm. Personally I applaud the idea, and think it is innovative. Do you have a personal connection to Asperger’s?
I’ve met and know a few people, throughout my life, with Asperger’s – some on the lower end of the autistic spectrum, others on the opposite side who cannot communicate via language – and the common thread I have noticed is that still there are misperceptions about what Asperger’s (and autism) is.
In my writing, I wanted to confront not only these misperceptions, but the way in which society misunderstands anyone who they label ‘different’. Teachers, for example, need to better comprehend that the boy in class who obsessively reads is not ‘being rude’ when he doesn’t put his book down in class – he simply has Asperger’s; adults need to get their heads round the fact that, when a mum with mild Asperger’s in the park says, in reaction to a question from another mum about her weight gain, ‘Well, you do have fat ankles,’ the Asperger’s mum’s not being rude – she’s just speaking as she sees it, because her brain does not have the social filters we do to dust the truth with white lies.
I deliberately focussed on Asperger’s because there is so much misunderstanding out there, and I wanted to, in some small way, challenge that.

Was it important to you to show readers the inner mind-set, emotional turmoil and boundaries of someone with Asperger’s?
100% yes. And for so many reasons, the main one of which was to foster more understanding of what it is to have Asperger’s – especially as a female (female experience of Asperger’s can be very different to that of males). But also, no matter what my writing subject, it is important for me to try and get into the mind of a character, to try and say something that signifies something not only about that person, but about society as a whole. It’s only when we hear inside someone’s brain do we truly begin understand what makes them – and, in a wider context, life – exist. As a writer (and a nosey parker!) that is fascinating. For me, the germ of a story always starts with a strong character voice.

I would love to know whether the choice to make Maria so multi-dimensional, whilst highlighting such an important issue was a choice or was the idea of a character with Asperger’s something you were planning on writing about anyway?
A bit of both. I always wanted to create a strong, thought-provoking character, while, at the same time, I had a desire to really challenge common misperceptions. As far as I see it, we are all different, right? I’m different from you, you from me, and so on. It’s just logic. So, I definitely wanted to create something that would blow those misperceptions out of the water and force people to consider celebrating individuality.

I really enjoyed the way you managed to filter in important information about AS, despite the overall scenario and plot being quite complex. You make the reader aware of the distinction between Asp. Syn., learning disabilities and the Autism Spectrum Disorder. In the new DSM all the subgroups are considered to be on the autism spectrum. You disagree with this…why?
Great question. I, personally, believe the danger with the new DSM doing away with the term ‘Asperger’s’ and slotting everyone in on the same scale is that it could make the misperceptions worse, and this can only be a bad thing. I think a lot still has to be done to create greater acceptance in society of people on the spectrum, whilst, at the same time developing a deeper understanding of the wide ranging complexities involved. I hope The Spider in the Corner of the Room, in some small way, generates a conversation point that may help with that.

Getting back to Maria: Why do you think she was able to make such an intimate social connection to Patricia?
Love this question! I think, bottom line, Patricia understands Maria. The thing I enjoyed about writing Patricia, is that she is such a pure character, and this is against a back drop of deceit and lies and corruption. Patricia, unlike mainstream society, doesn’t judge and, as is inherent in her nature, just accepts people for the way they are. That’s why she is so good with Maria, so calm, patient, understanding. Writing the scenes between those two was quite an emotional time.

Where do you think you can take Maria from here and are you going to keep some of her story focused on her Asperger’s?
The Spider in the Corner of the Room is part one of the Project trilogy, so, excitingly, books two and three of the series are due out in spring/summer 2016 and 2017 respectively. So, yup, we get to see Maria and her story grow, and most certainly, there is a continuance of a focus on her Asperger’s. After the trilogy, who knows? It would be amazing to take Maria’s character and story even further, if the Project trilogy became a huge hit. I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed!

Lastly I would like to thank you for answering all my questions, both the bizarre and the more story focused ones.
Mighty welcome! An honour (and thrill!) to be asked questions about Spider – I love a good natter.


I thought this book was a breath of fresh air with an innovative premise. It highlights an important issue in our society, how our misconceptions about autism and other syndromes on the spectrum still define the way we treat people who fall into those categories.

It was a bold move on Owen’s part, to create a character with Asperger’s, and weave this quite complex and fast paced psychological thriller around it. I enjoyed and was intrigued by the choice. Authors tend to stay away from awkward or characters ‘deemed’ different by society.

It not only gives an insight into the mind of a person with Asperger’s and in doing so may help others understand the difficulties they deal with on a daily basis. In this case the prison setting exacerbates the Asperger’s, which in itself is quite an interesting read.

I think the most fascinating parts of the story are the ones dealing with both the limitations and advantages of Maria’s Asperger’s. The moments when the reader gets a really vivid insight into the mindset, the decision process, the fears and the very distinct processes she applies to her surroundings and people.

Maria finds herself accused, convicted of and imprisoned for murder. She is convinced of her innocence and confused by all the events that have brought her to this point. Initially she is confined to solitary, a grave mistake on their part, especially in combination with her syndrome.

A cat and mouse game ensues between Maria, her mind and whoever is sitting in the interview/therapy room with her. Suddenly everyone is part of her ‘imagined’ conspiracy theories. She starts to doubt her innocence, perhaps she really is a brutal killer. Maybe everyone is right and she is losing touch with reality. Or are her theories not just figments of her imagination.

An unusual friendship blossoms between Maria and an inmate. Unusual because her social filters and skills usually make such a connection difficult.

Maria’s biggest battle is with herself, there is no doubt about that. She can’t trust her instincts, her perceptions or any interactions she has with any person. Any one else would probably go completely insane, so I guess there must be something really special about Maria, right? I’ll leave you to find that out for yourself.

A big thank you to Nikki Owen and Harlequin Mira UK for providing me with a copy of The Spider in the Corner of the Room. To buy on AmazonUK or other outlets via Goodreads.

The Spider in the Corner of the Room now has a new title, it is now Subject 375 and part of The Project series.

Read the second book in The Project series The Killing Files by Nikki Owen.