#BlogBlitz Time of Lies by Douglas Board

This is one heck of a Blog Blitz. In the next three days I will be hosting all three books on the tour starting with Time of Lies by Douglas Board today. It’s political satire hidden in satirical comedy.

Get 30% off Time of Lies with discount code BLOGTOURLIES at Lightning books eye-books.comAbout the Author

Douglas Board is the author of the campus satire MBA (Lightning Books, 2015), which asked why so much of the business world is Managed By Arseholes. Time of Lies, his second novel, is a timely exploration of the collapse of democracy.

Born in Hong Kong, he has degrees from Cambridge and Harvard and worked for the UK Treasury and then as a headhunter. He has also had a distinguished career in public life, serving as treasurer of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and chairing the British Refugee Council.

As well as writing fiction, he is the author of two applied research books on leadership, which was the subject of his doctorate. He is currently a senior visiting fellow at the Cass Business School in London. He and his wife Tricia Sibbons live in London and Johannesburg.

Follow @BoardWryter on Twitter, on Amazon, Visit douglasboard.com

Buy Time of Lies

About the book

In 2020 the United Kingdom elects its own Donald Trump.

Bob Grant, former football hooligan, now the charismatic leader of the Britain’s Great party, has swept to power on a populist tide. With his itchy finger hovering over the nuclear trigger, Bob presides over a brave new Britain where armed drones fill the skies, ex-bankers and foreigners are vilified, and the Millwall football chant ‘No one likes us, we don’t care’ has become an unofficial national anthem.

Meanwhile, Bob’s under-achieving, Guardian-reading brother Zack gets a tap on the shoulder from a shady Whitehall mandarin. A daring plot is afoot to defy the will of the people and unseat the increasingly unstable PM. Can Zack stop his brother before he launches a nuclear strike on Belgium? And just what is ACERBIC, Britain’s most closely-guarded military secret?

A darkly comic political thriller, Time of Lies is also a terrifyingly believable portrait of an alternative Britain. It couldn’t happen here… could it?


Based on the pub date and a lot of the witty repertoire and political satire, the author appears to have been ahead of his time. There are quite a few things in the story that apply to the world and the United Kingdom we are living in right now. A country split down the middle because a public schoolboy from the old men’s club decided to put our future at risk by asking the people for their opinion and then chickening out when the result wasn’t what he expected.

Although this definitely comes under the banner of satire I have to say Board sailed very close to reality and truth. In fact aren’t we living what appears to be a version of someone else’s harsh comedy of errors. I wish. I really wish we weren’t.

His take on Brexit, nuclear deterrence, our very staunch and proper class structure and the joy that is Britain’s bureaucracy. He takes aim at all of them and doesn’t hold back at all. It may be fictional characters doing the walking and the talking, but I can imagine the author is quite the conversationalist.

It’s extremely well researched and the author is clearly a smart cookie. Smart to the point of taking the proverbial urine, and yet now we are smack bang in the middle of complete chaos. There are elements of the book that made me want to debate and discuss, certainly a sign of a book worth reading.

Written with multiple narrators, which can sometimes give the appearance of being completely unrelated. despite the fact they are. It’s an interesting way to show both sides of the coin.

It’s political satire hidden in satirical comedy. I actually think the author could have left fiction, comedy and satire aside, and just written a book on politics. It would have been equally as intriguing, perhaps more so.

Buy Time of Lies at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer. Publisher: Lightning Books; pub date 25 June 2017. Buy at Amazon com.

Read my review of MBA by Douglas Board


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One thought on “#BlogBlitz Time of Lies by Douglas Board

  1. […] Read my review of Time of Lies by Douglas Board here, Buy Time of Lies […]


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